Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 3: Performance at St. Francis High School

Buenos! from San Jose...

Today was another successful day, that the whole group is extremely proud of. We started our day with another great breakfast provided by the hotel. Soon after that, we dug right into to preparing and warming up for what would be a great performance at St. Francis High School....

CSR WC and SHS WC warming up in the chapel at St. Francis

The College of St. Rose Women's Chorale directed by the wonderful Dr. Joseph Eppink started off the concert with a couple of pieces that were very well received by our audience. Soon after, the Schenectady High School Women's Choir stepped up under the direction of Krista Hawk. Not to anyones surprise, they did a wonderful job as well. The two ensembles combined throughout the concert to give the audience a treat that they were SO APPRECIATIVE of! The students at St. Francis were very excited to have us and we were welcomed with open arms. Both choirs did a great job of representing the United States to a very high level. 

Enjoy a couple more pictures of the combined choir.....

After the performance, the school was excited to provide us with some entertainment of their own. We were able to watch, sing to and dance with a Kindergarten music class! It was a fantastic experience for all. Then the St. Francis Rock Club performed two songs for us that were extremely well done. The musical exchange that our students had today was simply priceless and will be remembered for a lifetime.

Dancing and singing with the Kindergarteners! 

The St. Francis Rock Club performs for us! They played Maroon 5's "Sunday Morning"!

Next, the Universidad Veritas provided us will lunch at a restaurant called "Jalisco". While we were here, Andre, a representative from the University gave us a great presentation about the possibilities for studying abroad in Costa Rica. It was very informative and I'm sure it got our students thinking about what opportunities they might want to take advantage of in the future....

Our lunch venue for today...

Andre and his powerpoint presentation about the opportunities at Veritas!

Finally, we finished out our day relaxing in the sun, spending some time walking and shopping in downtown San Jose and enjoying a very well done dinner at the hotel.

Tomorrow's day will be another long one! In the morning we visit the La Paz Waterfall and later on in the evening, we perform for the Universidad Veritas. Check back tomorrow for some "sure to be" amazing pictures of the rainforest, waterfall and our performance.

Hasta luego! (See you later!)



  1. We are so proud of you all for representing Americans in such a positive way. You are great ambassadors of your country! Have a wonderful time at the falls.

  2. Great job girls You look great Have a great time today at the rain forest I can't wait to see more pics :0)

  3. We are sooo proud!!!! You all look really great..Enjoy the weather...Have a great day at the falls can't wait to see some more pictures!! We miss you Sara.
