Monday, March 14, 2011

Home: Safe and Sound

Hello All!

We have made it home! Although it was a very long trip home, it went very smoothly. We started out our travels at 4AM Costa Rican time, when the bus left Hotel Vesuvio. We traveled to the airport where we had to wait in the first of many long lines to pay our departure tax to Costa Rica ($26). The process getting through security and customs was very smooth and our students were great representatives of Schenectady High School and the College of Saint Rose. We arrived EARLY to the Capital Region!!! I believe everyone was home and in bed by 12:30-1:00AM, which is fantastic. Parents were SO EXCITED to see their children. It was a wonderful thing to see the students reunited with their parents after a week of being away.

Now, we are all back in school and are adjusting to life back in the United States. Some of that adjustment includes the stomach bug for some of us :-( A real bummer to finish the trip. However, in the grand scheme of things, when it is all said and done, this trip will be an incredible memory that we will share for the rest of our lives. Truly, life changing.

I, Mr. Servant, will be creating a collection of pictures and a commerative video for all those the went on the trip. Thank you all for following the blog and thank you for your tremendous support throughout this entire experience.

Pura Vida!!!



  1. You really had a great trip! Many of the places were my absolute favorite places to go when I was there! I even believe I sat at the same table while visiting Arenal, and I have some of the same shots of the hot springs. Well done Hawk for putting together such a wonderful experience that the students will remember for the rest of their lives!!! Cafe Brit was very close to where I stayed- GRACIAS for the trip down memory lane for me!

  2. I am thrilled that my daughter had the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful experience. She will remember this forever. And thank you for keeping us up to date with pictures and descriptions of your daily adventures. It was greatly appreciated! I was never so happy to see Ria as when she stepped off the bus at the HS! BIG HUGS!!!!!
